


这是 达医晓护 的第 2370 篇文章


640.webp.jpg陪着(jian du)上网课,一边,家长们有点老怀安慰 (cha dian beng kui),只盼着不耽误小神兽的修炼升级 (zao ri wan shou gui long);另一边,不是说了吗,“parents will always worry and lose sleep over almost every detail in your life”,老父亲老母亲们开始担心视力了,拿什么来拯救你,小神兽的火眼金睛?

640.webp (1).jpg今天,小编就来和家长们一起聊一聊,疫情网课期间,长时间使用电子设备和电脑,我们有什么简单的办法可以减少孩子眼睛和视力问题的风险!

1. 避免长时间用眼,鼓励间断性休息

640.webp (2).jpg为了降低孩子眼疲劳的风险,最重要的事之一就是让他们遵循“20-20-20”的规则:每隔20分钟,把眼睛从屏幕或阅读书写上移开,看看窗外或远眺至少20英尺外(6米外)的东西至少20秒。


2. 选用合适的屏幕和观课距离

640.webp (3).jpg如何选择给孩子观看网课用的电子产品的屏幕?简单的说,屏幕越大越好。收看电视或投屏到电视看优于电脑,电脑优于iPad, iPad优于智能手机。


如果孩子使用电脑,iPad,手机上网课的话,要保证屏幕与眼睛的距离有一臂长 (约30-40cm左右),这是保护眼睛减少视疲劳方法。


3. 调整电脑屏幕亮度, 避免屏幕反光


4. 注意姿势


在网课间隙,我们可以鼓励孩子调整姿势,活动头部和颈部。可以遵守之前提到的20-20-20 规则,坐直,重新调整头部,颈部和肩部。缓慢地左右活动一下头部,同时上下移动,可以缓解肌肉紧张,减少疲劳。另外,鼓励孩子站起来,走一走,全身活动一下也可以防止电脑视觉综合征风险。

5. 多眨眼

640.webp (4).jpg鼓励孩子多眨眼也是一个保护眼睛的简单方法。通常情况下,我们一分钟会眨眼20次,但对着屏幕或专注看书时,眨眼的频率会不自觉地减少,甚至只有每分钟2-3次或更少。眨眼可以保持眼睛的湿润,如果眨眼不够时,眼睛就会干涩引起干眼症。所以要提醒孩子在看屏幕时多眨眼以保持眼睛湿润。

6. 眼部调节练习

640.webp (5).jpg保护眼睛免受屏幕伤害的最重要诀窍之一就是做一些简单的眼部锻炼来舒缓眼部的紧张。除了前文提到的20-20-20 规则以外,可以做的第二个练习是让孩子看一个近处的物体15秒,然后再看一个远处的物体15秒, 至少5次。


640.webp (6).jpg疫情期间不方便出门,就选择在家里的阳台上或院子里晒晒太阳吧。自然阳光会刺激从眼睛的视网膜释放较多的多巴胺,多巴胺可调节眼睛巩膜和视网膜之间的信息传递,促进眼球的正常发育,延缓眼轴的增长,从而防止或降低近视的风险。不过,打开窗户享受阳光时要注意避免阳光直射眼睛。

8. 热敷缓解眼部疲劳

640.webp (7).jpg热敷能放松眼睛周围的肌肉,减少紧张,舒缓干燥的眼睛。可以让孩子躺下,用温热的毛巾盖在闭着的眼睛上,放松慢呼吸1分钟,重复3-4次,每天2次。也可以用蒸汽眼罩热敷眼睛10-15分钟。注意热敷不要超过25分钟,避免低温烫伤。另外,戴隐形眼镜时不能热敷。

9. 吃出好视力

640.webp (8).jpg含有某些营养成分的食物对保持眼睛的健康有很大帮助, 比如,维生素A、类胡萝卜素和Omega-3脂肪酸都是对眼睛健康有益的营养元素。蔬菜是维生素A的最佳来源,包括甘蓝、菠菜、红薯和胡萝卜。富含类胡萝卜素的食物包括鸡蛋、西兰花、菠菜、西红柿,南瓜和西葫芦。鱼油、三文鱼,亚麻籽、鳄梨和核桃则含有丰富的Omega-3脂肪酸。此外,蓝莓富含维生素A、维生素C、维生素E、花青素等抗氧化剂,也是对眼睛最为健康的食物之一。

10. 保证充足睡眠

足够的睡眠和规律的作息能调节身体机能,让眼睛在长时间网课后得到好的休息和恢复,降低近视的发生率。一般来说,6到12岁的学龄儿童每天需要9-12小时的睡眠,13到18岁的青少年需要8-10小时的睡眠, 所以要记住,保证孩子一整晚起码有8~9小时睡眠。

How to protect your child's eyes and vision from screens ?

There are some easy things you can do to decrease your child's risk of eye and vision problems from prolonged use of computers and digital devices during the period of online education.

1. Avoid long time eye use and encourage frequent visual breaks

One of the most important things you should do to reduce your child's risk of eye strain is to get them to follow the "20-20-20" rule: Every 20 minutes, take eyes off the screen, reading or writing, and look out a window or at an object that's at least 20 feet away (6 meters away) for at least 20 seconds.

This simple task relaxes the focusing and eye alignment muscles, reduce the risk of symptoms of digital eye strain. Obeying the 20-20-20 rule also might decrease the risk of myopia progression. Some research suggests focusing fatigue may be associated with the onset and worsening of myopia. Taking frequent breaks from staring at digital screens helps reduce this fatigue.

2. Choose appropriate screen and keep viewing distances

How to choose electronic devices for online education? Basically, bigger is better. TV or projecting screen to TV is the best choice. Computer is better than iPad, while iPad is better than smartphone.

Adjusting seat back and height to make the center of the screen is directly in front of the eyes or slightly lower with10-20 degrees slanting to the vision.

If your child uses computer/ iPad / smartphone for online education, make sure that any screen she uses is at least an arm's length away. It is a super easy way to reduce the strain on the eyes.

If your child uses TV for online education, the recommended distance for viewing a LCD TV is three (3) times of the TV diagonal screen size. For example, if the TV size is 55 inch, the recommended viewing distance is 55x2.54x3=4.19m. If the TV size is 42 inch, the recommended viewing distance is 42x2.54x3=3.2m.

3. Adjust Your Screen Settings and avoid reflections on the screen

Measures to protect your child's eyes from computer screen come with minor changes you can make on your computer screen. Lowering the brightness, switching the color spectrum toward the yellow-ish side (i.e. away from the blue end), and inverting your colors into a black-and-white scheme are all potentially viable strategies for helping your child to reduce the eye strain. In addition, make sure there are no reflections on the screen. Avoid things like a glare from the sun, or a weird reflection pattern on your screen, which could strain your eyes even more than usual.

4. Practice Good Posture

Encourage children to adopt good posture when using electronic devices for online education. Although good posture is mostly encouraged with regard to computers to prevent back pain, it has strong links with your eye sight as well. Do not use the laptop / iPad on the bed or sofa, while lying flat on your back.

We can encourage posture checks and move the head and neck during the interval of the online education. The 20-20-20 visual breaks during is also a good time to sit up straight and realign the head, neck and shoulders. Moving the head slowly to the right and left and also up and down can relieve strained muscles and reduce fatigue. In addition, encourage child to get up to walk and stretch the entire body also is a good idea to reduce the risk of non-visual symptoms of computer vision syndrome.

5. Blink eyes frequently

Another extremely easy way to protect eyes from computer screen is by blinking. Normally we blink around 20 times per minute but when reading book or reading on a computer screen this number may drop to 2-3 or fewer blinks per minute. We need to blink to moisture our eyes and when you are not blinking enough you will have dry eyes. Remind your child to blink more to moisture eyes when looking at a screen.

6. Do eyes exercises

One of the most important eye care tips to protect eyes from screen is to do a few simple eye exercises to protect eyes from getting strained. Apart from the above mentioned 20-20-20 rules, a second exercise you can do is look at a near object for fifteen seconds and then look at an object that is far away from the computer for another fifteen seconds.

7. Enjoys outdoors sunlight

Natural sunlight outdoors creates a release of dopamine from the retina, and that dopamine regulates the information transmission between the sclera and retina and slows down the growth of the eye ocular axis, keeps the eye smaller and prevents or lowers the risk of becoming myopic. However, when opening the window to enjoy the sunshine, you should avoid direct sunlight to your eyes.

8. Relax Eyes with Warm Compress

It relaxes the muscles around the eyes, reduces strain, and soothes dry eyes. Ask your child to lie down comfortably and place the warm cloth over closed eyelids. Relax and breathe slowly for 1 minute and repeat the process three or four times. Follow this treatment one or two times daily. Steam eye mask can also be used to for warm compress about 10-15 minutes. It should be noted that warm compress should be used for no more than 25 minutes to avoid low temperature burn. In addition, warm compress should not be used when wearing contact lens.

9. Good foods for eye

Eating foods with some certain micronutrients will help a lot in preserving the eye health. Vitamin A, Carotenoids, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids are just some of the micronutrients beneficial to your eye health. Vegetables are the best source of Vitamin A. These include kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Foods rich in carotenoids include eggs, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, and zucchini. Fish oil, salmon, flax seeds, avocados, and walnuts are rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. In addition, blueberries, packed with VitA, VitC, VitE, anthocyanins and other antioxidants, are also one of the healthiest foods for the eyes.

10. Get enough sleep

Get enough sleep at night helps your child’s eye rest and recuperate after long hours of online education, therefore reduced the risk of nearsightedness. Basically, children between 6 to 12 years old need 9 to 12 hours sleep every 24hours, while teens 13 to 18 years old require 8-10 hours sleep per night.


