
舌尖上的航海丨第1集 情人节里的“哥伦布”


《圣瓦伦丁号》是艘特殊的运输船。“圣瓦伦丁”的英语原文“Valeutines DaY”,在情人节登录美国的时尚网站,出来的结果百分之八十是关于吃的,其中绝大多数是关于巧克力的,每个頁面都让人垂涎欲滴。


更让人稀奇的是,情人节的英语原文并非“Larey,s Day“而是“Va丨eutines Day”(即圣瓦伦丁),难道这是“翻译事故“吗!


































Columbus and Valentine’s Day

The St Valentine is a cargo ship that specializes in the transportation of chocolate.

When searching for a gift on Valentine’s Day, a vast majority of people immediately

think of chocolate. Chocolate and Valentine’s Day are indisputably tied to one another, so it’s

not difficult to imagine where St Valentine got its name. But its sailors often wondered, how

come the name of the holiday that celebrates love isn’t “Lover’s Day”, but “Valentine’s


Though the St Valentine is quite an obscure vessel, many wondrous stories transpired

aboard this inconspicuous raft.

The grand terrace on St Valentine’s deck is a homely gathering spot for the sailors,

and also a sanctuary for entertainment. When the crew spends holidays at sea, the terrace is

adorned with a wide variety of seafood, and tales of seafaring are told amongst the seamen.

The life that sailors live is very special. They often spend years adrift at sea, they

leave home more often than they are able to return to their families. As vast as the ocean is,

it’s still unable to dilute the sailors’ longing and homesickness.

The St Valentine’s Captain, Captain Pete, was no outlier. Born in the town of Genoa,

Italy, Pete was known for his theatrical stories and his fascination with Christopher

Columbus. On any festive occasion, whether it was in a busy dock or on the vast ocean,

Captain Pete would always would always have wine and food prepared in the large stage, and

tell an unforgettable story of little-known seafarers: how Columbus married Filipa Moniz

Perestrelo, a Portuguese noblewoman from Porto Santo Island, who helped Columbus secure

assistance whenever he set sail for long journeys; stories of the famous Captain Nadode, who

used ravens to unravel the legends of Iceland; he’d even speak of the Chinese navigator Xu

Fu of the Qin Dynasty, who crossed into Japan to search for the medicine for immortality.

Above all, however, Captain Pete repeatedly told tales of Christopher Columbus, as Pete was

an unrelenting fan of the navigator.

These stories fascinated Captain Pete’s crewmen, and taught them a lot about sailing.

And so, on Valentine’s Day, as the grand terrace was adorned by chocolates collected

from all across the world by Captain Pete himself, his sailors wondered: is the romantic

holiday somehow related to seafaring?

As the sailors argued amongst themselves, Captain Pete appeared in front of the

terrace, dressed from head to toe in Columbus-style clothing, and exclaimed, “Columbus!”

His peculiar outfit and overwhelming enthusiasm was met with laughter.

Captain Pete picked up a piece of chocolate from the table, held it above his head, and

said mysteriously, “Valentine’s Day is definitely related to seafaring, but it’s all the more tied

to Christopher Columbus!”

The sailors who guessed correctly were delighted, but none of them had actually ever

heard of Columbus’s relation to the delicious sweets. Aside from the few sailors who were on

shift, everyone else gathered around Captain Pete, anticipating a captivating tale of Columbus

and his chocolates.

The sea on Valentine’s Day was calm and quiet, gentle and serene. The crew lit the

grand terrace with their most precious candles and decorated it with colorful flowers.

“It is said that every Valentine's Day, global sales of chocolate

reach 2.63 million kilograms, the highest food sales ever recorded!”

Captain Pete dusted off his costume, cleared his throat, and started

to tell his bizarre story.

"Around the end of the fifth century B.C., the Pope officially

recognized February 14 of each year as "St. Valentine's Day", known today

as Valentine's Day. At the time, however, most Europeans had not yet heard

of the unfamiliar term "chocolate".But the Mayans and Aztecs, who lived

thousands of miles away in Latin America, had been indulging in the treat

for over 1500 years.

It wasn’t until the beginning of the 15th century, after Columbus

returned from a weathered expedition to the Americas, when Queen Isabella

of Spain received a set of cocoa beans along with jewelry, gold, and other

treasures. The unique taste and magical legends surrounding this dark brown

confectionary charmed the European nobility, and became an extremely

valuable gift amongst the noblemen!

Four hundred years later, a British company named Cadbury processed

these cocoa beans into a candy. Cadbury made cocoa beans more widely

available to the general public, who came to know these sweets as


Chocolate launched into Europe by storm. However, at the time,

chocolate still had no relationship with the Feast of St. Valentine.

In 1861, a member of the Cadbury family named Richard was suddenly

inspired to make a heart-shaped box to package chocolates in, and chose the

fateful occasion of Valentine’s Day to launch the new design. Chocolates

placed in heart-shaped containers turned into a global phenomenon, and

Valentine's Day and chocolate thus embarked on an inseparable love affair.

With the development of recent technologies, scientists discovered that

chocolates contain phenylethylamine, a chemical compound that triggers a

reaction in the human nervous system that is close to the feeling of

falling in love. This provided a logical explanation for the captivating

connection between chocolate and Valentine’s Day.”

Captain Pete paused in the middle of his story and picked up a piece of

chocolate from the table. His voice turned low and his tone turned steady.

“According to old Christian legends, February 14th is not a romantic day,

but a time of sorrow, martyrdom and sacrifice. In the legend, the Roman

Emperor thought that married men who did not want to leave home to serve as

soldiers were against heavenly justice, so he issued a decree forbidding

marriage. However, a bishop named St Valentine continued to conduct

marriages for young men in secret. He was executed on February 14, 273 AD

for having angered the Roman Emperor.

This story has been passed down for generations. February 14th was

known as the anniversary of St Valentine’s tragic sacrifice.

Over a thousand years later, in 1382, the English poet Chaucer wrote a

romantic poem titled “Parlement of Foules”. Chaucer wrote that the reason

why all birds gathered on February 14th to choose their lovers, was because

St Valentine sacrificed his own life on that day so others could be with

their true love. It was only then that February 14th took on the romantic

undertone that’s now known as Valentine’s Day.”

Captain Pete took a deep breath, and continued: “St Valentine’s Day

has the symbolic meaning of the springtime blossom of all things living,

and its idyllic tie with chocolate is all thanks to the Italian explorer

Christopher Columbus, who traveled thousands of miles to bring chocolate

from the Americas to Europe!”

Captain Pete told the story with great detail and passion, proving his

place as a knowledgeable follower of Christopher Columbus, and also a

dramatic sailor with great enthusiasm for nautical history. The crew of the

St Valentine experienced an unforgettable Valentine’s Day, and now

understood the sentimental background of the holiday that celebrates love

and romantic unity.