
舌尖上的航海丨第27集 “寻求猕猴桃”的特使






























“Attention all passengers, we will soon be arriving at our destination of Mount Taishan.

Please mind your safety and belongings.”

A cruise ship sailed slowly towards a small island, rocking back and forth to the beat of

the waves that rolled off the shore.

A reporter from a nautical magazine named Chi walked amongst a group of tourists onto

the island.

Chi came from a fishermen family in a village in Jiangsu, China named Xu Fu Village.

Xu Fu Village was where the Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang once sent his envoy, the Xu

Fu, to sail east to Japan - Xu Fu Village.

Xu Fu Village was only mere minutes away from Qinshan Island. Located in the center

of the Yellow Sea, near the Lianyungang area, Qinshan Island was a beautiful place where

Qin Shi Huang himself often visited.

Many reporters from the Nautical Magazine frequented Qinshan Island to report on

interesting tourist attractions and historical stories, but this was the first time Chi ever stepped

foot on this fascinating island.

When he was very young, Chi heard about a local legend surrounding the island.

Because Qin Shi Huang visited Qinshan Island so many times and continually showed his

love for the gorgeous landscape and peace that surrounded the area, one of the Dragon Gods

of the Sea was moved by his passion and appreciation of nature, and sent a messenger to

bestow many treasures upon Qin Shi Huang. Even today, tourists can visit the platform where

Qin Shi Huang received his gift from the Dragon God.

Near the shores of the Western coast of Qinshan Island, there was a cobblestone path

that extended for around thirty miles into the heart of the land. But unlike many other seaside

roads, this path had survived the beating of rising tides and violent waves for thousands of

years, and remained perfect still for anyone to walk on. Locals claim that this road was paved

by none other than Qin Shi Huang himself.

Chi travelled to Qinshan Island specifically to look for this path and to uncover its


Before he arrived, Chi researched the spots where Qin Shi Huang was known to spent

time at, in order to search for the cobblestone path, including the Chengshan Tou, Luang Pao

Tai, Zhi Fu Island, and the Jieshi Mountain… He gathered all the stories he could find about

Qin Shi Huang’s voyages and travels, and found that the most captivating tale was the one

about Chengshan Tou.

According to an old Chinese poem, Chengshan Tou was located in the eastern section of

the Jiaodong Peninsula. As Qin Shi Huang arrived to the Chengshan Tou on his carriage, he

was awestruck by the majestic mountains that stretched above the clouds, the powerful ocean

swell that cast a burst of mist above the shoreline and said out loud to himself, “This must be

paradise; a land where mountains reach up into sky and where oceans have no edge.”

In that moment, the Emperor felt a newfound storm brewing in his heart. He became

determined to build a bridge that connected the mainland to the island, which would allow

him to pay visits to paradise on any day of his choosing, whether it was on horse or by foot,

nothing was going to stop him.

He looked towards the towering peaks, and bellowed, “Line up the stones!”

In traditional Chinese culture, the Emperor took on the role of the Mandate of Heaven,

and everything under the sky obeyed his orders with no question. Immediately, the stones

lined up by themselves, and one by one, they paved a road over the mountains and the sea.

But Qin Shi Huang thought that some of the stones moved too slowly, so he took out a

whip from his backpack and began whipping the stones. The stones broke apart and bled, but

continued to order themselves according to Qin Shi Huang’s wishes. They remain sturdy and

motionless even now, in a uniform and organized manner, exactly the way Qin Shi Huang


These rocks have a dark red color, and some say they can even see the markings of Qin

Shi Huang’s whip on the surfaces of the rocks.

On the southern side of the Chengshan Tou, four large rocks stood in a line facing the

east. They rise and fall out of view with the tides, appearing like the legendary hidden bridge

built by Qin Shi Huang himself.

But of course, the legends of Qin Shi Huang’s bridge was nothing but a wonderful story.

On Chi’s voyage to Qinshan Island, he met a Japanese tourist who took the same ferry

and the two travelers struck up a conversation. When Chi told him that he came from Xu Fu

Village, the Japanese tourist answered delightedly, “What a coincidence! I come from

Tsushima, Japan, the city where Qin Shi Huang’s envoy Xu Fu visited to search for his fruit

of immortality.”

As if reading Chi’s mind, the Japanese tourist immediately followed, “The fruit was

none other than Japan’s wild kiwis.”

“Kiwis!” Chi’s jaw dropped in surprise. He had heard about the story of Xu Fu and his

search for immortality all the way back in middle school, but he never knew that the fruit of

immortality was something as simple as peaches.

Curious, Chi paid the Japanese tourist a visit at his hotel after the two finished their tour

of Qinshan Island. The Japanese tourist was pleased to meet someone as interested in history

as he was, and gave Chi a full account of why and how Xu Fu wanted to search for kiwis

from Japan.

The otherwise little known story of Xu Fu and kiwis was a popular folktale amongst

Japanese locals.

When Xu Fu first arrived in Japan, locals served him sake to welcome him into the

country. In order to show his appreciation for the Japanese people’s hospitality, Xu Fu drank

an entire glass of sake and tossed the glass into the sea, only to see it unexpectedly float on

the water and drift towards the sea. Soon, an island appeared in the direction that the cup

floated to, and people refer to the beloved tourist island now as The Island of the Floating


A statue of Xu Fu and a beautiful Japanese lady stood tall in the Japanese city of

Kyushu. The statue became known as the God of Onsen, and legend has it that when Xu Fu

visited Fukuoka, the town chief hosted a banquet for Xu Fu and asked a gorgeous local girl

named Tatsu to accompany him. Xu Fu and Tatsu fell in love, but because Xu Fu was

burdened with the responsibility to search for the fruit of immortality for Qin Shi Huang, he

sadly bid his goodbyes to Tatsu and Fukuoka, and left a majestic sword to her as a souvenir. Without her love by her side, Tatsu soon passed away from heartsickness. The local

villagers commemorated Tatsu and Xu Fu by building a statue of the two lovers outside the

hot springs, in a shrine they dedicated to Tatsu. Eventually, the statue was affectionately

referred to as “The God of Onsen” by locals and tourists alike.

Even more interestingly, some locals of Fukuoka believe that they themselves are related

to Xu Fu and Qin Shi Huang. One such believer was Tsutomu Hata, the former Prime

Minister of Japan. After Hata left office, he made a special trip to the village of Xu Fu in

Jiangsu, China and claimed to be a descendant of the Qin people, explaining that his

ancestors in the Hata clan used to have the surname “Qin”, and only changed their last name

to Hata during the Meiji Restoration Period. In Japan, the characters for “Qin” and “Hata” are

quite similar, and some Japanese people have kept the last name “Qin” even now.

When Chi asked about the fruit of immortality and kiwis, his newfound companion

smiled, and told him, “The so-called fruit of immortality that the ancient Chinese people

spoke of is known as “kiui” in Japan. They come in the size of a walnut, and are very juicy

and tasteful. In ancient times, folklore spread that a single bite of the kiui allowed people to

become immortal, and even just a smell could extend people’s lives for many years.”

He continued, “The waters that Xu Fu sailed to back then was the Seto Inland Sea,

surrounded by the cities of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, which was sparsely populated and

difficult to find. The region appeared mysterious, and the fruit of immortality that people

spoke of there was just an ordinary kiwi, and though it is high in nutritious value, calling it a

“fruit of immortality” may be a little exaggerated.”

Chi finally found out the story beneath a tale he had heard about ever since he was a

child, and shook his new friend’s hand tightly before he left to continue on his journey. “It’s

incredible to see how long-lasting the friendship between our countries has been. I hope it

continues for many more years,” Chi said.

As Chi boarded yet another ferry, he dribbled down in his notes that Xu Fu’s journey to

Japan was substantial and meaningful, reaching the hearts of people in a remote area of Japan

and introducing them to foreign cultures while learning about their own customs and beliefs.

Qin Shi Huang also became the first organizer of maritime exploration in Chinese history,

inspiring others and allowing them to travel to places that they wouldn’t even otherwise

dream of. Traveling at sea has brought immeasurable influences to a variety of civilizations

and immense progress to human history, and the adventures of those seafarers should never

be forgotten.
