


Speaking ofSpace北京天文馆2016年公众科学讲座系列之二Public Outreach ScienceSeminar 2016BeijingPlanetarium讲座题目:地球上的气候变化----天体物理学的因素Climate change on planet Earth - theimpact of astrophysical processes主讲人:北大科维理天文与天体物理研究所M.B.N. (Thijs) Kouwenhoven 柯文采 博士讲座时间:2016年1月16日(星期六),下午3:00讲座地点: 北京天文馆B馆505教室主讲人/讲座内容简介:地球之外有生命吗?我们现在还不知道,但是我们知道太阳不是唯一有行星系统的恒星。实际上我们知道在我们邻近的恒星中有数以千计的太阳系外行星(系外行星),其中一些的表面上很可能有海洋,也许还有生命。但是目前我们的望远镜的灵敏度还不足以让我们探测到这些。天文学家们为这些系外行星做出了气候模型。从金星、地球、和火星我们可以知道,大气的性质对行星表面有着重要的影响。在本次讲座中,柯文采老师将为大家讲解天体物理学过程是如何影响一颗行星气候的。Is there life beyond the Earth? We donot know yet, but we do know that the Sun is not the only star withplanets. In fact, thousands of exoplanets are known to orbitneighboring stars. Some of these exoplanets could, in theory, havesurface oceans, and maybe even life. But our telescopes are not yetsensitive enough to see this. At the same time, climate models forexoplanets are being developed. As we know from Venus, the Earth,and Mars, the properties of the atmosphere of tremendouslyimportant for what happens on the surface of a planet. In thistalk, you will learn about how astrophysical processes affect theclimate of planets over time, both in and beyond our Solarsystem.说明:北京天文馆公众科学讲座至少在每个月的第三个周六举办一次。讲座免费。有剧场票或展厅票的参观者可乘新馆展厅东西两侧的电梯到达505教室;无剧场或展厅票的听众凭有效证件(身份证、学生证、工作证等)于当日下午2点后在售票处领票,从B馆入口安检后入场。本次讲座现场将提供翻译。座位先到先得,坐满为止。欢迎您的参与!