


这是 达医晓护 的第 2462 篇文章

恭喜你们, 宝宝已经满1岁了。在过去的一年里,宝宝和爸爸妈妈们都已经获得了很大进步,你们都太厉害了!在接下来的3个月里, 小宝贝又会学会些什么呢,让我们一起来看一看吧!

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640.webp (13).jpg如何促进12到15月龄宝宝发育?

1. 给孩子很多拥抱和亲吻:共情和积极的关注对孩子很重要,有利于孩子的情感发育。在相处时体现你和宝宝的感同身受,并表现出温暖,热情和感兴趣回应孩子,会帮助他感到安全和有价值。但要记住,你的孩子仍在学习如何运用和表达他的情绪,以及如何与他人相处。

2. 陪宝宝一起玩:


3. 陪宝宝交谈:和她说话时告诉她日常生活中事物的名称——比如身体各个部位、玩具和家庭生活用品,如勺子或椅子,这样可以培养孩子的语言能力。在这个年龄,你可以教逐步地教你的孩子,比如一个“苹果”可以是一个“大苹果”、“红苹果”甚至是一个“大红苹果”。




6. 鼓励宝宝学习日常生活技能:生活中可以教并鼓励孩子使用勺子、从杯子里喝水和摘掉帽子等日常技能。这些技能的运用会锻炼到一系列大小肌群的的运动以及协调性,以及同时思考自己正在做什么的能力。

7. 鼓励宝宝运动:运动帮助孩子增强肌肉力量,这对以后掌握更复杂的运动,比如走路和跑步来说很重要。注意要有安全的居家环境可以让孩子积极运动的同时不会受伤。

640.webp (14).jpg在什么情况下需要引起重视去看医生








·不会用挥手都手势, 不会指物







What is happening during your toddler’s 12-15 months

Behaviour and play
Your toddler spends a lot of time working out what different things do, and what she can do with them. She’ll build small towers of blocks and knock them down, scribble with a texta or crayon, and drop pegs into a basket. Toddlers love exploring. And if you’re around while your child explores, he feels safe and has the self-confidence to try new things.

This is also an important time for your toddler socially and emotionally. You might notice your toddler playing alongside other children now. Your child might often show signs of separation anxiety. But she’ll also begin to show empathy – for example, she might look sad or get upset when she sees someone else crying. Empathy is about understanding how others might be feeling, and it’s an important part of forming relationships with people.

Communicating and talking
At this age, your child’s language development matures. His babbling starts to include real words. He might name familiar objects – for example, a ball. But it’s not all words just yet – he’ll still grunt, nod and point to let you know what he wants.

At 1-2 years, your child will learn to use and understand more words and more types of words. At first she’ll understand mostly nouns. Generally they start from the names of things nearby, for example, common objects like ‘cup’ or ‘doll’; body parts like ‘tummy’ or ‘foot’ food like ‘apple’ or ‘rice’. Eventually she’ll understand a few verbs – for example, ‘eat’ and ‘run’. Adjectives come next – for example, ‘big’ and ‘sweet’.

At around 12 months, your child will start using words to communicate with you. His babble will start turning into real words. At around 15 months, your child will point to things further away and ask you to name them. Language development includes learning to use words and sentences. Your child might also enjoy saying the same word over and over.

Being active helps your child build muscle strength for more complex movements like standing, walking and running. Your toddler might stand up without needing help from you or the furniture in these months, and will probably start to walk on her own. As she gets better at walking, she might climb stairs or even the furniture.

If your child isn’t walking on his own yet, try not to worry too much. Some children won’t walk without help until 15-18 months.

At this age your child might also:

·hug you

·point to her body parts, favourite toys or familiar people when you name them

·drink from a cup – probably with some spills! – and use a spoon

·follow simple instructions – for example, ‘Please give me the block’

·try to help when you’re putting on her clothes, often by holding out her arms for sleeves or putting her foot up for shoes

·hold a crayon and possibly scribble with it after you show her how.

Helping toddler development at 12-15 months

1.Give your child lots of hugs, cuddles and kisses: empathy and positive attention are good for your child’s emotional development. Positive attention is when you respond to your child with warmth and interest. It helps your child feel secure and valued. But remember that your toddler is still learning how his emotions work and how to get along with others.

2.Playing is an important way for your child to find out how things work, so make time for both indoor and outdoor play. Open-ended toys are great for play – try blocks, pegs, balls, ice-cream containers and cardboard boxes. Your child will also still love playing games with you, like pat-a-cake or peekaboo.

3.Talk with your toddler: naming and talking about everyday things – body parts, toys and household items like spoons or chairs – develops your child’s language skills. At this age, you can teach your child that an ‘apple’ can be a ‘big apple’, ‘red apple’ or even a ‘big red apple’.

4.Build your child’s talking and communication skills by listening and talking back to her. You can copy what your child says – for example, if she says ‘mama’, you say ‘Yes, I'm your mama’. This encourages two-way conversation and also makes your child feel valued and loved.

5.Read with your toddler: you can encourage your child’s talking and imagination by reading together, telling stories, singing songs and reciting nursery rhymes.

6.Encourage everyday skills like using a spoon, drinking from a cup and taking off a hat. These skills involve both small and big muscle movements, as well as your toddler’s ability to think about what he’s doing.

7.Encourage moving: this helps your child build muscle strength, which is important for more complex movements like walking and running. Making your home safe means your active toddler can move about without getting hurt.

When to be concerned about toddler development

See your paediatrician if you have any concerns or notice that at 12-15 months your toddler has any of the following issues.

Seeing, hearing and communicating

·isn’t making eye contact with you, isn’t following moving objects with his eyes or has an eye that is turned in or out most of the time

·isn’t interested in sounds

·doesn’t respond to his name when called

·isn’t babbling or using single words

·isn’t trying to let you know what he wants

·isn’t using gestures like waving or pointing.

Behaviour, play and feelings

·doesn’t seem to understand you

·isn’t showing her emotions and feelings.

Movement and motor skills

·can’t stand even when holding on to you or the furniture

·uses one hand a lot more than the other.


