


这是 达医晓护 的第 2536 篇文章


640.webp (8).jpg行为发育

在这个年龄, 宝宝对周围的一切都很好奇,热衷于探索这个未知的世界,玩游戏和探究实验。








手部的精细运动, 比如涂鸦、翻书,使用勺子、从杯子里喝水或搭几块积木这样的操作, 对宝宝来说是越来越驾轻就熟了。

640.webp (9).jpg在15-18个月这个年龄阶段,宝宝可能还会:





640.webp (10).jpg如何促进15到18月龄宝宝发育?

1. 陪伴是最长情的告白:当宝宝在玩耍和探索新事物时,爸爸妈妈呆在边上陪着可以帮助孩子更有信心自己尝试新事物。这对于孩子长大后能变得独立和自信有益。

2. 鼓励社会性游戏:与他人一起玩耍是孩子交朋友和学习如何与其他孩子相处的好方法。但现在这个阶段他们还没学会分享玩具和轮流玩。


4. 陪宝宝交谈:和她说话时告诉她日常生活中事物的名称——比如身体各个部位、玩具和家庭生活用品,如勺子或椅子,这样可以培养孩子的语言能力。在这个年龄,你可以教逐步地教你的孩子,比如一个“苹果”可以是一个“大苹果”、“红苹果”甚至是一个“大红苹果”。

5. 当孩子和你说话时,通过倾听和回答,让孩子觉得说话有意义。例如,你可以模仿你的孩子说的话——如果他说“爸爸”,你就说“是的,爸爸在这里”。这样就鼓励了双向对话,帮助孩子培养沟通能力, 同时也会让他感到被重视和被疼爱。

6. 陪宝宝一起阅读:和孩子一起阅读、讲故事、唱歌和背诵童谣,可以鼓励孩子说话和培养他的想象力。

7. 鼓励宝宝运动:运动帮助孩子增强肌肉力量,这对以后掌握更复杂的运动,比如走路和跑步来说很重要。注意要有安全的居家环境可以让孩子积极运动的同时不会受伤。





doesn’t say any single words








使用一侧的手而另一侧手不动或少动 (通常婴幼儿在2岁前应该不会使用一侧的手多于另一侧)


Your toddler is curious about everything and is keen to play, experiment and explore.

Play is important for your child – it’s how she develops thinking, imagination and creativity. Your toddler might particularly enjoy games like finding hidden toys and pointing to body parts or familiar toys when you ask her to. By the time your toddler is 18 months, he might start to do ‘pretend play’ – for example, he might pretend to drink from a cup or talk on the phone using a toy. At this age, it’s more likely that your toddler will play side by side with other children rather than with them.


When it comes to emotions, your child has developed strong attachments to the people she loves. You’ll find your toddler gives you lots of cuddles and kisses. But she might also be very aware of herself and even embarrassed when she realises other people are looking at her. If she’s separated from you, she might get upset – separation anxiety is a typical part of development at this age.


In language development, your child might say a few words by 15 months. He’ll learn more and more words in the coming months and might start naming objects and actions. Your child is starting to understand her own name, and simple commands like ‘Bring it to Mum’. She might also learn the power of words like ‘no’ and ‘mine’!


Your toddler might already be walking on his own. If not, he’ll probably take his first steps during the next few months. If your toddler has been walking for a while, he might soon start running, walking up or down stairs holding the bannister or your hand, or climbing furniture.

Hand movements like scribbling, turning pages in a book, using a spoon, drinking from a cup or building a tower of blocks are much easier for your toddler now.

At this age, your child might also:

•take off some of her clothes

•seat herself in a small chair, or try to get into your chair

•get something from another room when you ask her to

•pick up very small objects – for example, pebbles or crumbs.

Helping toddler development at 15-18 months

1. Be there for your toddler: being nearby while your toddler plays and explores gives your child the confidence to try new things on his own. This can help him to be independent and self-confident when he’s older.

2. Encourage social play: playing with others is a great way for your child to make friends and learn how to be with other children. But don’t expect sharing and taking turns just yet.

3. Encourage your toddler to practise everyday skills like using a spoon, drinking from a cup and taking off a hat. These skills involve both small and big muscle movements, as well as your toddler’s ability to think about what she’s doing.

4. Talk with your toddler: naming and talking about everyday things – body parts, toys and household items like spoons or chairs – helps develop your child’s language skills. At this age, you can teach your child that an ‘apple’ can be a ‘big apple’, ‘red apple’ or even a ‘big red apple’.

5. Give meaning to your child’s talking by listening and talking back to him. For example, you can copy what your child says – if he says ‘dada’, you say ‘Yes, dada is here’. This encourages two-way conversation and helps your child build communication skills. It also makes him feel valued and loved.

6. Read with your toddler: you can encourage your child’s talking and imagination by reading together, telling stories, singing songs and reciting nursery rhymes.

7. Encourage moving: this helps your child build muscle strength, which is important for more complex movements like walking and running. Making your home safe can help your active toddler move about without getting hurt.

When to be concerned about toddler development

See your child’s pediatrician if you have any concerns or notice that at 15-18 months your toddler has any of the following issues.

Seeing, hearing and communicating

•has trouble seeing or hearing things

•doesn’t say any single words

•doesn’t follow simple instructions – for example, ‘Please give me the ball’

•doesn’t point, wave or use other gestures.


Your child doesn’t enjoy eye contact or cuddles with you.

Movements and motor skills

•isn’t walking by himself

•uses one hand a lot more than the other (usually children don’t use one hand more than the other until closer to two years).


