


这是 达医晓护 的第 2804 篇文章


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18个月龄时,宝宝开始进入学习词汇的 “爆发期”,一直在学习,通常一周学习1-2个单词,甚至可能会一天一个单词。宝宝可能会指着熟悉的物体说出名称,会说出人的称呼,身体部位,例如耳朵、鼻子或嘴巴。孩子可能会模仿类似 “moo”的动物声音,可能还会一遍又一遍地重复同样的声音或单词。











640.webp (18).jpg如何促进18到24月龄宝宝发育?

1. 陪伴是最长情的告白:当宝宝在玩耍和探索新事物时,爸爸妈妈呆在边上陪着可以帮助孩子更有信心自己尝试新事物。这对于孩子长大后能变得独立和自信有益。

2. 创造机会让给孩子与他人玩耍:游戏是孩子交朋友和学习如何与其他孩子相处的好方法。但现在这个阶段不要指望他们学会分享和轮流玩-这是正常的,这个年龄的幼儿认为一切都属于他们自己的。


4. 陪宝宝说说话:和她交谈时告诉她日常生活中事物的名称——比如身体各个部位、玩具和家庭生活用品,如勺子或椅子,这样可以培养孩子的语言能力。在这个年龄,你可以教逐步地教你的孩子,比如一个“苹果”可以是一个“大苹果”、“红苹果”甚至是一个“大红苹果”。

5. 当孩子和你说话时,通过倾听和回答,让孩子觉得说话有意思。例如,孩子说“妈妈 牛奶”,你可以回答他,“你要妈妈给你拿牛奶吗?”这样就鼓励了双向对话,帮助孩子培养沟通能力,同时也会让他感到被重视和被疼爱。

6. 陪宝宝一起阅读:和孩子一起阅读、讲故事、唱歌和背诵童谣,可以鼓励孩子说话和培养他的想象力。

640.webp (19).jpg在什么情况下需要引起重视去看医生








使用一个手明显大大多于另一个手 (通常婴幼儿在2岁前应该不会使用一侧的手多于另一侧)












What is happening during your toddler’s 18-24 months

At this age, toddlers start to experience new emotions like anger and frustration, guilt, shame, possessiveness, and excitement. These ‘big’ emotions can be hard to deal with for your toddler, and you might see some temper tantrums as a result. Your toddler is also beginning to think about how they feel, and might link feelings with words – for example, your toddler might tell you they are ‘sad’. They might show affection by giving you a kiss or hugging a doll, which is also part of developing empathy.

Although your toddler’s separation anxiety peaks at around 18 months, by two years it should start to settle down.

Everyday skills
Around this time, toddlers are keen to do more things independently.

For example, your toddler is learning to feed themselves using a spoon and cup, and maybe even a fork – there might even be fewer spills than before! Your toddler might try to help when getting dressed and undressed. At this age, it is easier for your toddler to take off socks, shoes and clothes without buttons.

Generally, your toddler might show signs that they are ready for toilet training from two years on. But it is not unusual for some children to show signs of being ready earlier, at around 18 months.

Playing and learning
Play is important because it’s how children learn.

At this age, your toddler will start imagining and creating through pretend play – for example, pretending to drink from a cup. As your toddler grows older, pretend play gets more complex, and you might find your toddler doing things like sweeping the floor with a tree branch. Your toddler will enjoy spending time with siblings and other children, even if they don’t play directly with others.


Children enjoy talking at this age. Your toddler’s words might even have up-and-down tones, just like an adult’s. You will most likely hear a mix of ‘babble’ and real words.

At 18 months, your toddler is learning words all the time – usually 1-2 words a week, or maybe even one word a day. Your toddler might name and point at familiar objects, people, and body parts – for example, ears, nose, or mouth. Your toddler might also make animal sounds like ‘moo’ or say the same sound or word over and over.

Your toddler knows their own name and the idea of ‘mine’. They are getting better at understanding simple sentences and instructions like ‘Bring the mobile to Mum’ or ‘Let’s go for a walk’. You will be able to understand more of what your toddler says to you.

By two years, your toddler might be able to say ‘I’, ‘you’, and use sentences with 2-3 words – for example, ‘Mummy car’ or ‘me do it’.

Toddlers usually walk on their own by 18 months and begin to run. Your toddler will probably walk up and down stairs or climb furniture with your help. Throwing and kicking a ball, scribbling with pencils or crayons, and building small towers of blocks might be some of your toddler’s favorite things.

At this age, your toddler might also:

ask for ‘more’ and say ‘no’ when asked to do something

copy you – for example, they might help you sweep the floor

sit themselves in a small chair

walk around carrying larger objects

use one hand more than the other by two years.

How to help toddler development at 18-24 months

Be there for your toddler: being nearby while your toddler plays and explores gives your toddler confidence to try new things on their own. This can help your toddler to be independent and self-confident later on.

Give your child the chance to play with others: play is a great way for your child to make friends and learn how to be with other children. But don’t expect sharing and taking turns just yet – it’s normal for toddlers to think that everything belongs to them.

Encourage everyday skills like using a spoon, drinking from a cup and taking off a hat. These skills involve both small and big muscle movements, as well as your toddler’s ability to think about what they’re doing.

Talk with your toddler: naming and talking about everyday things – body parts, toys and household items like spoons or chairs – helps develop language skills. At this age, you can teach your toddler that an ‘apple’ can be a ‘big apple’, ‘red apple’ or even a ‘big red apple’.

Give meaning to your toddler’s talking by listening and talking back. If your toddler says ‘Mama milk’, you might reply by saying ‘You want Mum to get you some milk?’ This encourages two-way conversation and helps your toddler build communication skills. It also makes your toddler feel valued and loved.

Read with your toddler: you can encourage your toddler’s talking and imagination by reading together, telling stories, singing songs and reciting nursery rhymes.

When to be concerned about toddler development at 18 months

See your pediatrician if you have any concerns or notice that your 18-month-old toddler has any of the following issues.

has trouble seeing or hearing things

doesn’t say any single words

doesn’t point, wave or use other gestures

doesn’t follow simple instructions – for example, ‘Please give me the ball’.

doesn’t enjoy eye contact or cuddles with you or isn’t showing their feelings.

Isn’t walking on their own

uses one hand a lot more than the other (usually children don’t use one hand more than the other until closer to two years).

When to be concerned about toddler development at 2 years

See your pediatrician if you notice your two-year-old has any of the following issues.

has trouble seeing or hearing things

isn’t using two words together

can’t follow simple instructions – for example, ‘Please give me the ball’.

isn’t showing their feelings

doesn’t come to you for affection or comfort

doesn’t copy actions or words

doesn’t pretend during play – for example, doesn’t pretend to talk on the phone.

can’t walk up and down stairs, even if holding on to you or a rail

can’t run

isn’t scribbling.


