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The expression of CCL20 in lung cancer. (A–C) The expression of CCL20 in lung cancers was evaluated by real-time PCR (A), Western blot (B), and immunohistochemical (IHC) assays (C). N, normal; T, tumor. (D) Serum concentration of CCL20 in samples from healthy donors (HD), smoker (S) or non-smoker (NS) NSCLCs detected by ELISA.
参考文献(Wang G Z, Cheng X, Li X C, et al. Tobacco smoke induces production of chemokine CCL20 to promote lung cancer[J]. Cancer letters, 2015, 363(1): 60-70.)
cigarette smoke induces
specific differencesin thespermatozoalmicroRNAcontent of human smokers compared with non-smokers, and that thesealtered microRNAsappear to predominantly mediate pathways vital for healthy sperm and normal embryo development, particularly cell death and apoptosis
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Representative light micrographs of lung tissues of mice following subacute (5 days) nose‐only air (control, A and C) or water pipe smoke (WPS, B and D) exposure. Note that the bronchiolar (br) epithelium of the lung of mice exposed to WPS is (1.5 fold) shorter compared with control (short arrows). al, alveolus.
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Tobacco kills nearly 6 million people each year, and 90% of the annual 1.59 million lung cancer deaths worldwide are caused by cigarette smoke
世界卫生组织有专门的网页来介绍禁烟:WHO | Tobacco,并且每年发布调查结果,WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic,可以免费查阅。目前,作为一个常规数据,各国一直在公布这些数据
中国也在公布,由中国疾病预防控制中心每年公布。每年,中国有超过 100 万人死于烟草导致的相关疾病
中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅2013年12月29日印发了《关于领导干部带头在公 共场所禁烟有关事项的通知》
最后,WHO强烈建议孕妇避免烟草伤害,指出孕期使用烟草,包括使用无烟烟草,会使诸如流产、死产、异位妊娠和早 产等严重妊娠结局的风险增加。孕期吸烟 妇女所分娩的婴儿更容易发生早产和低出 生体重(小于2500克)(WHO | WHO recommendations for the prevention and management of tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure in pregnancy)。
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